Dear Taylor,
As you OBVIOUSLY know, your birthday is today! The 13th of December. God. You're 22! How does it feel to be an age older? :p
Just so you know, you are beautiful. And you always will be. Even once you're like 80 or something, you're still going to be the beauty in my eyes. :)
Your songs are amazing, the lyrics are so poetic and beautiful and all in all, I love everything! And I love you! You have brought me up to my feet so many times. Your songs and your voice and your face and your smile have lifted me off my feet countless times. You're the only girl in the industry (ONE of the only girls) that dont give in to fame or money or what have you..
You're beautiful, you're caring, you're sweet, you're kind, you're talented, you're amazing, you're everything to me. :) And I hope one day, if im lucky enough, I'll get to meet you in person! And.. maybe, get a collab with you. <3 That'll make my life complete.
Once again, Happy Birthday, Taylor! God bless your beautiful soul and remember, I will always respect and adore and love you till the day my heart stops beating.
Because you are Taylor Swift. And I love that.