Awesome Infinity
I'm awesome. Need to know more? ;)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011
Update From My Slacking
Shut up. :(
Hahaaha. Anyways. Shit has been hard lately :p Especially now that I have found out new information. And it sucks because. People always assume shit.
She says I'm angry at her? I'm like, half in grief BECAUSE of her. I mean. There is alot of drama going around and honestly, I need that friend that helps me instead of adds more shit, y'know?
Sigh. Sometimes doing the right thing is shit hard. :\
Not kidding. I'm like, so... what's that word? hmm.. So... Intimidated. Yeah. Roughly.
I'm like, intimidated because I don't even know how to approach her. Seriously. I mean, what if suddenly she just blaintly goes out and ignore me? Wouldn't that be a bummer.
el oh el. But seriously.
Sigh. I need a therapist. A REAL one. :\
Moving on,
I'm such a stalker :p No kidding.
I like, stalk everyone. I'm like a hawk. I fly way up high so that no one can see me, and I totally look down on the other animals mating and finding food and pissing and shit ;p
Facebook is my sky. And the my friends on facebook... are the animals. >:D HAHAHAHOHOHOHEHEHEHE.
Sorry. Have been hyper lately. :|
But seriously.
I should stop saying that.
Anyway. What else have been going on with me?
Oh yeah! Now I'm like, so convinced on moving. Seriously. I wanna move soooo badly! But it kills me to have to leave my friends. At least, some of my friends. And what more, I don't wanna be the new kid!! Like, ughh. But hey, it's a new year so there'll be other new kids besides me, right? :p And besides, I'm like, Grade 8 already.
I need to buff up.
And it'll probably be for the best. But the thing is, I think this school is like, focused on Malay. And that's bullshit. Cause English is my second language! My first is, of course, sarcasm. :)
Sighness. So hard to find shit these days. Hehehehohohohhahaha.
Um. I made a commitment. And I know judging from what my commitment is, y'all are gonna roll around on the floor disbelievingly laughing at my statement.
I'm not gonna date..
Until I'm 16.
Until I find a person that'll treat me as an equal. :)
I have to resist temptation. ;) Coughcough.
Even if Lotus or Apple or June comes and asks me. No kidding. I'll say no.
Well actually, if it's Lotus then yeah :p Lotus is the ONLY exception. I'm not gonna say that I like her that much. I'm just gonna say like, she's REALLY hot. Hahahaha. :)
So yeah.
That's my commitment. I'll stick to it. Promise. Hopefully. Maybe. Half-half. Shut up.
So yeah. That's it.
I'll write more soon. :p
-Kyle ;) Scratch that.
-Kye :p
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The World God Only Knows
anime. ;)
TEEHEE. I HIGHLY recommend comedy-fanatics of animes to watch The World God Only Knows, especially if that comedy is mixed in with romance ;) Oh Gosh, this comedy makes me laugh ALL the time. It never fails to lighten my mood. plus, it's romance. And omg. It's not yuri!
It should be good. Considering I do NOT watch ANY anime that has no yuri in it. So imagine this, I am in love with an anime that has no yuri... it should be worth watching, right? :p
Keima Katsuragi, a second-year high school student, is an avid dating-sim game player. He is known on the Internet as "The God of Conquests" for his legendary skills to be able to "conquer" any animated girl in games. However, in his actual school life, Keima is known as otamegane , a derogatory portmanteau of the two words otaku and megane ("glasses"), and is considered nothing but an intelligent yet gloomy geek with glasses.
At the start of the series, Keima receives an e-mail offering him a contract to "conquer" girls. When he accepts it, thinking it is an invitation to a game, a demon from Hell named Elsie appears. She asks for his cooperation to help her in catching runaway spirits ("Loose Souls"). These spirits hide themselves inside the hearts of girls, and Elsie suggests that the only method to force the spirits out is by "conquering" the girls hearts, making them fall in love with him and filling up the gaps which the runaway spirits hide in. Interested only in animated-game girls, however, Keima is appalled by the idea, and refuses the assignment as he has no romantic real life experiences whatsoever. Nevertheless, with the contract already agreed, Keima has no choice but to help Elsie no matter what, as they will be beheaded if they fail.
It is a great anime! And I suggest y'all to watch it even if you're not into Anime ;) You never know.
It has hot girls.
Not sure about the guys though :D
Here are some screenshots of the series of some parts that I like and some mere random parts. Don't worry. There's much more than this. ;p
Yeah. It's a great anime! :) In all the straight animes I've seen, this has gotta be one of the best! I'm obsessed with it. And I cannot wait till' the third season comes up!
Plot: 8/10
Romance: 9/10
Comedy: 10/10
Drama: 5/10
Cuteness(?): 7/10
Hot Girls: 10/10
Total: 89%//
Woot woot! :D
Will = Love
Tomoko Hajimashi raised his hand and pressed his palm against the gravel floor where his blood had already stained. He shook as he tried to stand up, his body weaving left to right in the attempt to balance himself. He raised his head slowly, the right part of his head looking strangely swolen. When his face was revealed, his left eye was suposedly bruised and blood was dripping from his forehead and lip. "B-Because, Hagasaki-San!" He snapped, the sharpness in his voice arising to an unsual pitch. "I don't need strength to protect you! In the world we live in now, we may need strength but in the world we CAN live in, all we need is will. Will to fight. It doesn't matter if we are defeated." He got up slowly, his knee looking as if it was gonna snap to two.
He turned to his left, where a large, large oak tree stood on the path. It looked steady and the bark was firm. So firm that even a chainsaw would take probably 20 minutes to cut through it in full blast. Hajimashi raised his fist shakily. "Because as long as we have will, the lord will give us the power to defeat the obstacles blocking our way." He sharpened his gaze. "Like this tree. It is blocking my way... to you." He took a deep breath.
Then paused.
And with that one quick movement, his fist blew against the tree and just remained bruised on the edge. Nagi stared, astounded at his bravery but annoyed by his stupidity. But suddenly, though none of them expected it except Hajimashi, there was a sickeningly loud crack. It stretched through the area as if thunder. And suddenly, the large, large oak tree, that was stronger than any other obstacle in that area, cracked in half and fell loudly onto the ground by the scrawny, 45kg, smartass gamer that had so promisingly dedicated his soul to the girl in front of him.
And just like that.
Will between two people was created. It was called,
Aiyaaah. So Sweet one ohhh. :(
Monday, October 31, 2011
I Wanna Move
I just wanna move.
Sigh. This is bullcrap. Reality will not stop coming back to bite me in the ass. Trust me, this is not some 'love crises' mojo. This is serious painful shit. And I don't know who to talk to.
Mum's too busy. And she barely cares. As in, like, she's not the idol I used to look up to anymore. Now, she's too concentrated on work. And honestly, she's kinda neglecting us.
I know it sounds petty and selfish for me to say that of my MUM. But I just want the old her back.
I cannot consult my father. As y'all know, he's not exactly 'therapist' material. Plus, lately, he's also been getting extremely busy.
My siblings aren't here anymore. No sister. No brother.
And I cannot consult any of my friends.
I feel as if I'm falling.
Dropping into nothingness.
I know it sounds way too overdramatic but the walls that had protected me from enemy lines are dropping once more. I may have rebuilt them up more than a million times and they stand strongly but I think that it's time to move destination. Somewhere safer.
I know what you're thinking; "Dude. Even if you move, you'll get harassed. That's life!"
But my parents have been thinking about moving me to another school for awhile now, and since now I firmly agree, I think I should.
There's this school... Rumored- No, It's not a rumor, It's TRUE. Truth be told, there are a GAZILLION people in that school who are just like me.
But I'm afraid. I hate moving to a new school cause I'll be the 'new kid' all over again. I've been the new kid in Primary 5 when I moved to SRS, how will I know I won't be deprived of the same torture in that school?!
But you know what.
Fuck this.
Instead of running away, I'll fucking face this.
I'm gonna be famous soon. VERY soon. And until then, I shouldn't stress about school and shit. Because by next year, I won't even be IN a school. I'll be on stage singing my heart out to people who actually adore me.
Sigh. I know I sound plenty vain and you want to slap me for being so self-centered.
But I swear to god, I just want to change the world.
I've made an oath. And I'm sticking to it.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tell Me You're Joking
That was random. :D LOL. Don't worry. That has nothing to do with me. I was just in the mood to speak gangsta'... okay, now I feel lame. Haha.
Now, moving on. I didn't go to school again. :\ Suckishh ugh.
I got like, a mind-blowing headache. Oh wait. No. No no no. I gots a good brain. xD lolwtf.
Positivity works, but it's killing me. Hahaha. What happened to 'Do good stuff and get good stuff in return?' Does it really like, work? :p Cause. I dont know.
Have I done good stuff? I ain't think so.
I'm still caught up in my fairytale. I just can't bring myself to wake up.
Oh and for the record, just because I'm vain, doesn't mean I'm the only person I care about, it just means I'm not an asskit like other people to be letting myself down when I haven't even proved my best.
That's all... I guess. :)
So. Bye? Haha.